Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 14:44 +0200 From: ILANS%HUJIDS@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL Subject: [*] File-Type-Creator.list Hi netters In response to Tom Wilson's wish for a list of file types/creators I suggested "hacking" MacTools' Rescue and / or Norton Utilities. These utilities must know about as many as possible TYPEs / CREATORs. I did it myself and _two_ results follow: 1. Well, the list (+ an additional list from Tom) 2. As I worked on creating/sorting/merging the results from the two mentioned sources, I found something interesting. MacTools has almost twice as many entries in their list (compared to NU) and MacTools has the ability to ADD items to its list. All this boils down to one thing: MacTools has a better chance of reconstructing troubled disks. Food for thought for the debate about "which disk saving utility is better" And I used an OLD version of MacTools Rescue (1.2), and Norton Utils 2.0. Ilan Szekely, Computer Lab, Faculty of Dentistry The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel internet: <========================== cut here ======================> File TYPE / CREATOR list (21-May-1993) --------------------------------------- info-mac/report/file-type-creator.txt --------------------------------------- The following list was "hacked" out from: 1. Norton Utilities 2.0 "MASKs" resource. 2. MacTools Rescue. Sorted and editted by Ilan Szekely. Please send corrections / additions to E-mail: (154 entries in table) Font: Monaco File name ---------------------------- ---- ---- 4th Dimension Data file 4th Dimension Label file <4DET , 4D03> 4th Dimension Structure file Acta 2.0 Acta 3.0 Adobe Illustrator 3.0 Adobe Illustrator 88 (art) Adobe Illustrator(text) Aldus FreeHand 2.0.2 Aldus FreeHand 3.0 (FHD3) Aldus FreeHand 3.0 Aldus Persuasion(data) 1.0 Aldus Persuasion(data) 2.0 Aldus Persuasion(tmplt) 1.0 Aldus Persuasion(tmplt) 2.0 Auto UnStuffit C.A.T. Notes Canvas 2.0 v6 ConcertWare(inst) ConcertWare(player)2.00 ConcertWare(writer) Cricket ColorPaint File Cricket Draw 11/24/87 Cricket Draw Cricket Graph* Cricket Prsnts (data) Cricket Prsnts (palette) Cricket Prsnts (template) dBase(data) dBase(report) Deluxe Recorder Desk Paint TIFF Director Disk Doubler 1.1 Disk Doubler 3.7 Dlx Music Const Set(inst) Dlx Music Const Set(mus) Dollars and $ense 4.0 Dollars and $ense Double Helix II File Maker FileMaker II( FileMaker Pro FoxBase DBF FoxBase+(.dbf) FoxBase+(.dbt) FoxBase+(.frm) FoxBase+(.idx) FoxBase+(.rpt) FoxBase+(.scx) FoxBase+(.vue) FrameMaker 3.0 Full Impact 2.0 Full Impact FullWrite Professional GIF Picture GIF Picture File GW 1.0 DB GW 1.0 graphic GW 1.0 SS GW 1.0 WP GW 2.0 DB GW 2.0 graphic GW 2.0 outline GW 2.0 SS GW 2.0 WP HyperCard Stack Lightspeed Pascal(proj) Lightspeed Pascal(src) MacCalc Data MacDraft MacDraft Pict MacDraw 1&2 (PICT2) MacDraw MacDraw MacDraw II (DRWG) MacDraw II (STAT) MacDraw Pro MacDraw Pro Library MacLink Plus/PC File MacPaint 1.0 MacPaint 2.0 MacProject MacProject II MacProject II MacWrite MacWrite II File Master Tracks Pro MiniCad(data) MiniCad(template) Mirror storage file MORE 1.0 MORE II MORE( 3.1 File MS Excel 1.x MS Excel 2.2(chart) MS Excel 2.2(macro) MS Excel 2.2(worksheet) MS Excel 2.2(workspace) MS Excel 3.0 (Chart) MS Excel 3.0 (Macro) MS Excel 3.0 MS Excel(chart) MS Excel(data) MS Excel(macro) MS Word 1.0 MS Word 3.0/4.0 MS Word 4.0/5.0 MS Works 1.1 (db) MS Works 1.1 (ss) MS Works 1.1 (wp) MS Works 2.0 (db) MS Works 2.0 (ss) MS Works 2.0 (wp) Norton FileSaver Data Omnis 3 (data)( Omnis 3 (library) Omnis 3 Packit PageMaker 2.0 PageMaker 2.0 PageMaker 3.0 PageMaker 3.0 PageMaker 4.0 PICT II Postscript PowerPoint Quark Express 3.0 Quark Express 3.1 Quicken (a) Quicken (Account) Quicken (b) Quicken (c) QuickMail Address Book QuickMail Form Ready, Set, Go! Sound Designer Statworks Studio 1 Studio 8 Stuffit SuperPaint(File) SuperPaint(prefs) Teach Text TIFF Wingz(script) Wingz(spreadsheet) Word Perfect 2.0.4 Word Perfect Write Now(dictionary) WriteNow 1.0 (data) WriteNow 2.0 (data) <------------- end of list ---------------> The following list came from: BITNET%"Tom Wilson " Subj: Re: File Creator / Type list Date: Fri, 21 May 1993 14:36:42 -0500 Tom Wilson Voice: (615) 574-3927 Oak Ridge National Laboratory FAX: (615) 576-7926 Bldg. 9201-2, MS 8072 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8072 ------------------------------ Here it is. Thank again. TEXT text file ttro teach text read only PICT picture file FNDER Finder zsys System suitcase (System 7.0 and later) ZSYS System document (System 6.0 and earlier) INIT Startup document or Extension cdev Control Panel DFIL Desk Accessory suitcase FFIL Font suitcase STAK Hypercard stack TYPES WORD Macwrite document MW2D Macwrite II document WDBN Microsoft Word 4.0/5.0 document RSRC Resource file (ResEdit document) rsrc Resource file (ResEdit document) DRWG MacDraw II document STAT MacDraw II stationery PNTG MacPaint document FMPR FileMaker Pro document AWWP Microsoft Works word processor document AWDB Microsoft Works database document AWSS Microsoft Works spreadsheet document XLS (Space after "S") Microsoft Excel 2.2 document XLS3 Microsoft Excel 3.0 document ALB3 Aldus PageMaker 3.0 document ALT4 Aldus PageMaker 4.0 document FHD3 Aldus FreeHand 3.0 document SIT! Stuffit 1.5 or 1.6 archive SITD Stuffit Deluxe archive PACT Compact Pro archive DDF2 DiskDoubler archive LWFN PostScript font SFIL SoundMover sound suitcase ffil System 7 font file dfil System 7 desk accessory file sfil System 7 sound file DVIF TexPreview dvi file GIFf QuickGif file TIFF Tagged Image Format file CREATORS MACS System software ttxt TeachText DMOV Font/DA mover WILD HyperCard MACA MacWrite MWII MacWrite II MSWD Micorsoft Word 4.0/5.0 RSED ResEdit MDPL MacDraw II FMPR FileMaker Pro SPNT SuperPaint 2.0 PSI2 Microsoft Works 2.0 XCEL Microsoft Excel ALD3 Aldus PageMaker 3.0 ALD4 Aldus PageMaker 4.0 FHA2 Aldus FreeHand 2.0 FHA3 Aldus FreeHand 3.0 SIT! Stuffit 1.5, Stuffit Classic CPCT Compact Pro DDAP DiskDoubler App EXTR Compact Pro self-extracting archive DSEA DiskDoubler self-extracting archive ASPF PostScript font SMOV SoundMover movr System 7 font, desk accessory, and sound files TEXP TeXPreview BSWD uuTool 123 EDIT Edit II MPNT MacPaint KAHL Font DA mover QGif QuickGif GCON GifConverter IMAG NIH image analysis ------------------------------